Erebel -> Di nuovo Tori/Neil (2007-07-09 15:00:02)
Ho scoperto un altro punto di contatto fra Neil Gaiman e Tori Amos, leggendo sul suo blog. Ve lo copio qui, che per ora non ho tempo di parlarne e tradurlo! Charles Vess talks about BLUEBERRY GIRL, our book for mothers and daughters, and he shows some pictures -- pencils and finished art -- over at It's a poem I wrote for Tori's daughter Tash, before she was born, and Charles is making it magical. The plan is to donate a percentage of the royalties to RAINN . We announced it a long time ago (in this post) but it's taken a while -- Charles has had so much on his plate, and the paintings have taken him so much longer to do than he expected. But they are astoundingly beautiful.